Geo-Environmental Consultancy
Oracle Environmental Experts (OEE) employ a team of geo-environmental consultants with extensive experience working with house builders, engineering consultants, master developers and energy suppliers to achieve their objectives.
From the discharging of contamination planning conditions to foundation solutions, OEE offer a complete service. Whether developing brownfield or greenfield sites, OEE can provide expert recommendations at every stage of a project, identify potential environmental and geotechnical constraints allowing solutions to be implemented in a timely and cost effective manner, reducing future regulatory complications and costly surprises.
Site Assessment & Remediation
Working in accordance with the Environment Agency LCRM guidance and relevant British Standards, our team can assist with the following:
Detailed Phase I geo-environmental assessments including a desk study, site walkover, formulation of a conceptual site model, assessment of potential contamination risks, anticipated geotechnical constraints and recommendations for an intrusive site investigation, if required.
Targeted Phase II site investigations typically comprising trial pits and boreholes to facilitate quantitative environmental and geotechnical assessment through detailed field observations and laboratory analysis. Final reporting will provide an updated conceptual site model with recommendations for remedial measures and geotechnical parameters including potential foundation solutions.
On sites where an unacceptable risk from contamination has been identified and remediation is required, OEE has extensive experience and in-house capabilities to treat and or remove contamination in both soils and groundwater.
Our Consultancy Services
Our consultancy services cover all aspects of brownfield and greenfield developments including the following additional services detailed below:
Correctly classifying wastes can lead to significant cost savings on disposal/treatment and avoid compliance issues and fines. We can ensure appropriate sampling and analysis is completed to accurately classify your waste.
Understanding the condition of a site prior to purchase or lease can help to reduce potential future environmental liabilities and risks. We can offer desk study and intrusive site assessments to help you make informed decisions.
Our experienced team can provide peer review of environmental reports produced by third parties to provide a second opinion.
Options appraisals are key to determining the most effective approach to contaminated land remediation and management and are required as part of Stage 2 of the Environment Agency LCRM guidance.
We can provide Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments of soil and groundwater contamination assessing risks to the environment and human health, using appropriate models and guidance.
We can provide permeability testing of sites to determine aquifer properties using data loggers and hydrogeological software. The data can be used to inform detailed quantitative risk assessment and in the design of effective remedial strategies.
OEE can undertake ground gas monitoring prior to construction on sites that may present a risk and then determine what mitigation measures, if any, need to be incorporated into the build design.
We can undertake infiltration/percolation testing in line with BRE365 to determine the suitability of a site’s potential for soakaway drainage.
For sites located in an area with a legacy of coal mining, Oracle can undertake Coal Mining Risk Assessments to determine if any remedial measures are necessary to remove the risk of collapse of shafts or workings from a proposed development.
OEE can coordinate a multitude of surveys for your site, including topographical surveys for accurate land measurement, GPR/utility surveys to identify underground services/utilities, CCTV to examine the condition and route of drains and geophysical testing to determine soil properties such as soil electrical and thermal resistivity.
OEE can provide a range of groundwater monitoring services including data logging and sample collection
Key Contacts
Jon Burton
Managing Director
E: jburton@oracle-environmental.com
Sam Perkins
Principal Environmental Consultant
E: sperkins@oracle-environmental.com
Alan Taylor
Senior Environmental Consultant
E: ataylor@oracle-environmental.com