Air Monitoring Services
Oracle Environmental offer a range of indoor and ambient air quality monitoring services for different industries and sectors including construction and demolition, manufacturing, fabrication, warehousing and logistics, as well as the environmental insurance sector.
Our trained and experienced staff work with a range of clients to identify their key requirements, design and implement the monitoring strategy, and provide detailed reporting throughout an air monitoring programme to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and communicate with key stakeholders.
Air Monitoring
Workplace Exposure Assessments
Oracle Environmental offer a comprehensive workplace exposure assessment service for employers where their employees may be exposed to a variety of aerosols including dusts, fumes, gases and mists to ensure compliance with the workplace exposure limits (WELs) set out in the COSHH regulations.
Our trained and experienced staff regularly carry out work with a range of clients where we identify the scope of the monitoring, carry out site monitoring, and provide detailed reporting including results, observations and any recommendations to control exposure further if appropriate.
When carrying out these assessments we follow the relevant methodologies and guidance set by the HSE (e.g. MDHS 14/4 and HSG 173) and use the relevant sampling equipment (e.g. personal occupational sampling equipment).
We work with clients in a range of industries such as:
Construction and demolition
Quarries and other aggregate processing facilities
Manufacturing including metal fabrication and wood workshops
Food manufacturing/processing
Warehousing and logistics
Assessing exposure to aerosols such as:
Dust including respirable crystalline silica (RCS), wood dusts and metals (e.g. chromate, beryllium)
Fibres including asbestos and Machine Made Mineral Fibres (MMMF)
Fumes including metal weld fumes and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Indoor Air Quality
At OEE we also offer a range of indoor air quality monitoring for indoor areas that do not fall under the remit of COSHH such as offices, schools, residential properties and other public places.
We work with clients to scope out the monitoring whether that be in relation to complaints from occupants i.e. relating to concerning pollution source(s), to identify their key requirements, design and implement the monitoring strategy, and provide detailed reporting referring to the most appropriate guidance and indoor air quality guideline values.
We typically spend around 90% or more of our time indoors so indoor air quality is critical for our health and wellbeing. Several factors can impact indoor air quality including outdoor air pollution as well as items in our home (i.e. products and furnishings) and our own activities (i.e. cooking)
Key services include:
Ventilation performance monitoring using carbon dioxide as a marker.
Bioaerosols assessment including bacteria and moulds.
Assessing impact from refurbishment works including Particulate Matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and gases.
BREEAM Hea 02 - indoor air quality testing for TVOCs and formaldehyde.
Assessing ingress of pollutants from traffic, industry or spills.
Assessing impacts from historic uses of a building or land including ground gases.
Assessing impacts on air quality from a pollution incident.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
Oracle Environmental offer ambient air quality monitoring services for a range of industries and sectors.
Our trained and experienced staff work with a range of clients to identify their key requirements, design and implement the monitoring strategy, and provide detailed reporting throughout an air monitoring programme to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and communicate with key stakeholders.
Services include:
MCERTS accredited real-time PM10 and PM2.5 monitoring.
Passive nitrogen dioxide monitoring.
Passive site perimeter dust monitoring.
Response monitoring following pollution event such as a fire.
Forensic analysis to determine the composition of dusts in order to determine source(s) of contamination.
Industries and sectors that we work with:
Construction and demolition.
Quarries and aggregate processing.
Local authorities.
Key Contacts
David Povey
Environmental Consultant
E: dpovey@oracle-environmental.com
David Newton
Senior Environmental Consultant
E: dnewton@oracle-environmental.com