Case Study - Spill on Construction Site
Oracle were appointed under a commercial insurance policy to remediate a kerosene spill at a construction site following a kerosene pipe being struck during demolition works. Challenges of heavily contaminated shallow groundwater and soils below a live concrete service duct were overcome using a combination of in-situ remediation techniques.
Remedial Works
OEE were able to rapidly mobilise a groundwater pump and treat system to recover kerosene from sumps excavated at strategic locations along the service duct to remediate the shallow groundwater.
Source contamination was addressed via a combination of physical excavation and an in-situ flushing and recovery. As the relocation of the service duct was not a viable option to address kerosene beneath it, perforated steel lances were installed into the kerosene contaminated material. Water was then injected to facilitate the enhanced migration of kerosene beneath the duct for subsequent recovery via the sumps.
Verification was achieved through soil and groundwater sampling, which confirmed the risks to human health, building structures and controlled waters had been recued to an acceptable level following the works.
The remediation strategy provided the client with a rapid and cost effective means of addressing the identified kerosene contamination.