Aeration for contaminated soil and groundwater

Oxygenation and volatilisation technologies

Remediation Applications

  • In-Situ Air Sparging

    We have a wide range of equipment for the application and control of direct injection of air into the subsurface to treat contaminated soil & groundwater. Air sparging can be used within the saturated and unsaturated zones to aid in the volatilisation and mobilisation of volatile contaminants. This can then be coupled with vacuum techniques to recover and remove the volatiles contaminants before discharge to atmosphere.

  • Ex-situ air sparging

    Air sparging can be integrated into our groundwater pump and treat systems to further aid in the reduction of volatile compounds. A key benefit can be increasing the lifespan of aqua phase carbon filtration. This technique can be used in conjunction with vacuum recovery to capture the released volatiles.

Emergency Aeration

See our emergency aeration in action increasing the dissolved oxygen concentration in a water course and downstream fishing lakes following a release of slurry.

Using aeration for contaminated soil and groundwater.


Emergency Aeration video

Spill Response Applications

  • Venturi in-line flow aeration

    We have modular units for rapid mobilisation to increase dissolved oxygen concentrations within the inline flow using the venturi effect. We have successfully deployed these units following impacts of oil contamination and slurries to low levels watercourses.

  • Floating surface aerators

    We stock specialist aeration pumps used by the Environment Agency to increase dissolved oxygen concentrations in ponds, lakes and rivers impacted by contaminants that cause ‘oxygen crashes’ such as oils and slurries.

Aeration equipment for contaminated soil and groundwater

Case Study

OEE utilised a sparge-vac system to further reduce hydrocarbon concentrations in groundwater at a petrol filling station following a large loss of unleaded petrol

Key Contacts

  • Luke Boulton

    Associate Director


  • Ed Canney

    Commercial Remediation Manager
